Our TKC Board of Trustees:
Seth Litman, President
Seth and his wife, Mary, joined TKC in 1998 and made the decision that they were going to make this temple a community for them and their family by making a conscious effort to be involved. Since that time, Seth and Mary have participated in a long list of activities, from the early days of Oneg teams to brotherhood softball and, of course, the Board of Trustees. Their kids Henry, Abby and Sam also participate(d), not just by going to religious school, but in youth group activities and as religious school madrichim. There is no question that the Kehillah and its members shaped and will continue to shape their family in a very positive manner, and they want the same for yours.
Seth and the Board plan to provide many opportunities for you and your families to participate and get involved so your family can share in all that the Kehillah has to offer.
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Brotherhood President
TKC President
Vice President Membership & Programs
Immediate Past President