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The Brotherhood serves Temple Kehillat Chaim and the community in many ways.  The “Brothers” organize many family events at TKC and manage many of the “behind the scenes” operational activities that guarantee the success of many religious and social events.  We also provide support to many charitable organizations in the North Fulton area.

The Brotherhood provides an opportunity to meet, work with, and have fun with fellow male members of TKC.  Brotherhood members are highly visible as ushers for the High Holy Days and help out the school with Chanukah Palooza to enhance Religious School programs and supplies - and much more!

Brotherhood makes a tremendous impact on the Kehillah and the community.  We can make the same impact on YOU as an individual.  We are limited by the number of Kehillah members and their level of participation; you are limited only by depriving yourself of this opportunity for social and spiritual enrichment!  You are NEEDED and you are WANTED!!

Please get the ball rolling and join today! 

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