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Social Action


The primary goal of the Social Action Team at Temple Kehillat Chaim is to bring cohesion to our social action goals and to offer our congregation a variety of ways to engage in tikkun olam (repairing the world) as a community. 


Temple Kehillat Chaim has a rich history of social action engagement and we will work to coordinate, promote and create a "critical mass" around our projects. Homelessness has been a primary focus for TKC for many years and most of our congregation-wide projects are focused around this important issue.  We will work closely with congregation members, the Religious School, Sisterhood, Youth Engagement, RAFTY and the clergy to collate and coordinate the various mitzvah projects so that members of all ages can combat issues associated with homlessness in a meaningful way. 


The Social Action team aims to be a resource for the entire congregation and to provide opportunities for members to find a way to connect to others around social issues that are important to them. 








Here are just a few of the projects we support:



Ideas for Kids


There are lots of ways children can engage in the education, advocacy and action of Jewish social action. Below are just a few ideas for making a difference:


- Making sandwiches or baking items for people

living in shelters such as the Drake House

- Bring food instead of presents to birthday parties to give to the Drake House Pantry or North Fulton Community Charities

- Collect winter coats for North Fulton Community

Charities (usually in October)

- Prepare backpacks for Drake House kids or  

collect extra school supplies

- Donate clothes that don't fit or gently used   books to North Fulton Community Charities

- Arm knit hats for the homeless

- Have a scavenger hunt for toiletries or needed

pantry items for the Drake House

- Fundraise with a jump rope-a-thon or for wee

ones, just jumping

- Write letters to kids at the Drake House

- Help create a vegetable garden for the Drake

House or another homeless shelter 

The Drake House


TKC is one of the Drake House's "Neighbor to Neighbor" sponsors contributing time, energy and financial resources to our sponsored apartment at the Drake House.  The Drake House is transitional housing for homeless mothers with children.  Rabbi Winokur has served on the Drake House Advisory Council since its inception in 2006.


Did you know?

  • 75% of residents at the Drake House transition to stable housing upon completing the program.

  • The Drake House has served 214 families with 393 children since opening their doors in 2006.

  • All school-age children are able to stay at their original school while living at the Drake House.

  • Single mothers with children are the fastest growing homeless population. 


We currently need volunteers to maintain the TKC apartment, mentor the residents, contribute to the Food Pantry, work at The Drake Closet, and buy holiday and birthday gifts for our residents as needed. 

Zaban Paradies Center


The Zaban Paradies Center is a couples shelter that provides housing and two meals daily for 22 homeless couples in Atlanta.  Each couple is provided a private bedroom, linens and laundry supplies.  Residents are required to attend AA and NA meetings held in the Center.  In lieu of paying a fee to reside at the Center, couples are assigned basic chores on a rotating basis.  Additionally, residents are linked with social service providers to help them break the cycle of homelessness.  Temple Kehillat Chaim sponsors one meal per month at the Zaban Paradies Center.


Did you know?

  • The Zaban Paradies Center assists couples transitioning from homelessness to resettlement and independence.

  • The program provides a supportive and encouraging environment for residents as they work to become contributing members of our community.

  • The shelter is open annually from October 15 until April 30. 


TKC currently has two couples bring a meal on the fourth Sunday of each month. Request more info to see how you can help the Zaban Paradies Center, or sign up to volunteer

Pleasant Hill Church Food Pantry


Temple Kehillat Chaim has been helping to sort food at the Food Pantry for well over a year. All of the volunteers who have helped in the endeavor find it meaningful and have enjoyed getting to meet the church members. We invite anyone interested in performing this mitzvah to join our efforts and help us staff the food pantry twice a month on Thursday nights for an hour and a half.


Request more info to see how you can help, or sign up to volunteer.

Did you know?

·         A study released in 2011 revealed that 27.9% of Georgia’s children live in food insecure households – more than 700,000 children under age 18. (Feeding America, Map the Meal Gap: Child Food Insecurity 2011. Data released Aug. 2011)

·         All proceeds collected through Hunger Walk/Run remain in our community.

·         In 2012, over 15,000 participants raised more than $560,000.


Request more info to see how you can help end hunger. 

Atlanta Community Food Bank


Temple Kehillat Chaim participates in two major events with the Atlanta Community Food Bank each year:  Operation Isaiah, a collection of nonperishable foods in the fall; and Hunger Walk in the spring at Turner Field.  TKC has supported the Hunger Walk for over ten years by walking as a congregation amongst thousands of walkers and runners in this annual 5K event to raise awareness and funds for hunger relief. This year the festivities at Turner Field included a 5K walk and run, entertainment, food and games.  

HOW TO CONTACT US                                                               

1145 Green Street                   

Roswell, GA 30075   

Phone  770.641.8630       

Fax  770.641.8639

Mon & Tues 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Read about the latest news in the Kol Kehillah, published each month. 
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