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Sisterhood Calendar 2023-24.jpg



Sisterhood is the organization of the women of the congregation who band together in friendship for programs to benefit the Temple and the community, for social activities, for study, and above all, for the growth of the individual so that each may find an opportunity to fulfill her potential as a person.  Sisterhood provides the arena for the individual to expand and grow in a Jewish atmosphere and includes all women with an affiliation to the Temple.


The Sisterhood has fun and provocative programming that warms the soul, contributes to social action and helps the Kehillah provide quality of life to our members.  Some of the many Sisterhood projects include:

Women’s Seder

A unique experience for all that tells the Passover story emphasizing the contributions of the women who shaped the exodus


Sisters in the Sukkah

A casual way to celebrate this Pilgrimage festival


Mitzvah Night, Rosh Hashanah Flower Arranging Workshop, Baubles & Bags for Drake House Family Christmas, Game Night at Alessio's, Hamantaschen Bake

Events that help the community, prepare for holidays and celebrate the women of TKC

All women (you don't have to be Jewish) of the congregation are invited to join the Sisterhood.  Let us know if you would like more information. 

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