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Make a Payment


Need to make a payment? Use this form to pay dues, pay for an event, make a donation, or anything else. Simply fill out the form below with the amount and add the description in the special notes and comments box of what you are paying for and any comments you have. Click Pay Now button.

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If you are buying a brick, a Tree of Life leaf or a yahrzeit plaque, click on the appropriate button below for the form.  Fill out the form and mail or email it to the TKC office.

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund - Funds used at the discretion of the Rabbi.


Brick Fund - Purchase a brick to honor someone or honor the memory of a loved one.


Tree of Life Fund - Purchase of a leaf on the Tree of Life in honor of someone or for a Simcha.


Lotte Sachs Caring Core Fund - For the support of Caring Core activities to serve the needs of congregants in times of illness, loss or in times of joy such as the birth of a child or baby naming.


Education Fund - For scholarships for our youth to attend religious school, youth group activities or summer camp.


Yahrzeit (Fund & Plaques) - In memory of a loved one.


Building Fund - For the construction, maintenance and mortgage for our campus.


Choir Fund - For the support of the volunteer choirs, for sheet music, accompaniment, other programs and expenses.


Drake House Fund - To help support the families we "adopt" at the Drake House.


Steve Bush Memorial Fund - For Leadership Development, i.e. URJ President’s yearly conference, URJ Biennial, and programs either at TKC or Federation that promote leadership.


Winokur Music Fund - For the enhancement of the music for TKC’s religious worship and programming.


General Donation Fund - General donations to TKC which help offset expenses such as the beautification and upkeep of our grounds.


Stephen L. Naman Facilities Fund - For the upkeep and improvement of the TKC buildings and grounds.


Endowment Fund - To help ensure the legacy of TKC.

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