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Temple Kehillat Chaim is a dynamic Reform Jewish congregation that welcomes traditional, non-traditional and interfaith families. TKC recognizes and appreciates the long history of generosity by individuals and families. In order to preserve and protect our practices, culture and ideals and in keeping with the spirit of Tzedakah you may make a donation directly to one of our funds:


Building Fund - For the construction, maintenance and mortgage for our campus.


Cantor's Fund - Funding to the Cantor's Discretionary Fund. Funds to be used at the discretion of the Cantor.


Caring Core Fund - For the support of Caring Core activities to serve the needs of congregants in times of illness or loss.


Choir Fund - For the support of the volunteer choirs, for sheet music, accompaniment, other programs and expenses. 


Drake House Fund - To help support the families we "adopt" at the Drake House.


Education Fund - For scholarships for our youth to attend, religious school, youth group activities or summer camp.


Gan Kehillah (Kehillah Garden) - For the beautification and upkeep of our grounds.


Library Fund - For the purchase of books and support of the Kehillah library.


Oneg Fund - Support of Oneg Shabbat.


Prayer Book Fund - Purchase of prayer books.


President's Fund - Funds to be used at the President's discretion.


Rabbi's Fund - Funding to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund. Funds used at the discretion of the Rabbi.


Social Action Committee - To support the various social action projects we undertake.


Torah Fund - For the purchase, repair or other needs for the Torah scrolls used by the congregation. 


Tree of Life - Honoraria for friends, family and simchas. Tree is artistically displayed in our lobby.


Yahrzeit (Fund & Plaques) - For the memory of a loved one.



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